Pen & Paper Addict

…with a strong writing habit.



Find out about my addiction.


Enter the madness at your own risk. Here you will find entertaining stories. All strange but all true.



I write stories for a living. I also design websites, click here to get a quote.

Popular Stories


The Backup Wife Series

You + Me = Never Forever.

I was never really pick first for anything: first place, group projects, kick ball, and now relationships. The backup wife is a hilarious series about dating and the pressure to say two sweet little words: “I do(‘nt)”


Other People’s Kids

Family life has always been simple: Mom, Dad, and kids. But what about the village? Other People’s Kids are sitcom worthy stories about being the eldest in a line of many cousins. These anecdote stories have been told verbally for years and now I share them with you. It takes a village to raise a children, consider me the village idiot.